What if........

by ScarredSoul   Feb 24, 2005

Can't hold these tears back although i try and try , nothing seems to go my way, just wanna run, get away.

I sit here in my bed fighting these tears, that so hard i try to hold back but they just seem to come my way.

I sit her looking at these slits that have now become scars, that will never go away,
yet i sit here wondering
what if i went deeper just alittle,
I wouldn't be sitting here today feeling this way.

These scars that where once burning with blood i want to feel again just to feel the blood flow through my vains just so i can feel alive.

I want to feel the blood leave my wrist just so i know i'm here. Just so i know I exist.........


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  • 20 years ago

    by Sofi

    sweet poem please chek out sum of my work thnx 5/5

  • 20 years ago

    by SmileeItsBritt

    aww thats really good. Don't hold back your tears...It's ok to cry. I'm being sort of a hippocrate here because i do the same thing....But crying is better than cutting. Keep writing it's good for stress!
    Love Always,

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