Black and White (long poem about two lovers)

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Feb 24, 2005

I run to the front of the crowd
Pushing everyone out of the way
Thinking of everything that has happened
What brought me to this tragic day?

I remember every detail
The pleasure, the pain
Now thoughts and guilt
Are driving me insane

It all started long ago
About the time when I was nine
I was playing with my best friend Darren
And everything was fine

Till Darren's mother started crying
His dad had hit her face hard
I saw him leave the house
And that was the start

My mother had got Darren's mum into trouble
I never did find out what she did
But from that day on
Darren and my friendship had to be hid

You see black are the ones in control
And my skin is black as the night
I am not suppose to mix with Darren
Because Darren's skin is white

So let me continue to tell you our story
I will take you back to when I was 14
Darren and me shared loves first kiss
Everything was but a dream

Until one day I made a mistake
I wanted to show people Darren was my friend
But white and blacks can not be that
So that problem three girls did mend

They got me alone
Battered in my face
I left school that day
In a much more than a disgrace

Later on when I was older
Darren’s dad was hung
And I knew hatred for blacks
Had now sprung

Darren was furious
He even tried to hurt me
He decided like the rest of the white people
That I was now his enemy

But he could not do it
He loved me too much
And that night ended
With soft gentle touches

I waited the next day for Darren to come
So we could run away together, but he never came for me
And suddenly a lonely future
Was all I could see

I never saw Darren for years
Because that day my family and me had moved far away
But we would meet again
On one very unexpected day

I received a letter from him
He said he wanted to meet me
So I went where he said to meet
On the a beach by the sea

He came as he said he would
Along with his brother Jude
They kidnapped me
And made my body battered and bruised

Darren had grown up
And joined in the fight
The one that caused so many deaths
Black against white

I was locked alone in a cell
Thinking I was going to die
They where using me for some ransom
Why me though Darren, why?

But why I did not care for my stomach was is pain
Jude had hit me there with full force
And in the end
I just collapsed on the floor

At this time I was 17
I had been in the cell for a few days
I never saw anyone
and Darren kept far away

then one night the cell doors opened
And in came my old friend
Darren looked at me
I was sure it was my end

but he sat next to me
And kissed my cheek
He rubbed my bruised body
and i felt my legs go weak

I love you Selena I always have
Where the words he told me
He brought me into his arms
And he tightly held me

That night in the cell we made love
It was so soft, gentle and sweet
We let our bodies come and flow together
And let our souls meet

And that night before anyone knew
Darren helped me escape from that place
I knew then he really did love me
I could just tell it on his face

A few weeks later I realized something
I had another living being in me
I could not believe it
I was going to have Darren's baby

but unfortunayelu
the news about the baby spread fast
But I had known
Darren’s happiness and mine would not last

And once the news was out about the baby
Darren came to me one night
Took me in his arms
And gave me kisses so tender and light

He told me how he loved me
And how he would love our child
and once again after all those years apart
together we both smiled

But we had not known the police
had followed him
And they came from places unknown
They took him away from me
Even though I screamed, leave him alone!

I tried to tell them what really happened
I was pregnant because we made love
And that he had not raped me
But the police could not give stuff

He was sentenced to be hanged
I did not want him to die
They would not even let me go see him
Just to say goodbye

So the day came
So now you know why I am here
And toward the crowd
I am now near

I can see him above me
They are putting the hood over his head
It is only minutes or less now
Until he is dead

I am screaming and crying
Darren I love you
I feel as if I can not breath
There is nothing I can do

Darren I love you!
And are baby will love you too!
There the words I call
I just hope they get threw

I call to him again
Just praying he can hear me
Then I see him drop and hang
And his body swings freely

Oh god, please let him of heard me
Please let him know I loved him so much
Please let him know I am not complete
Without his loving touch

!This is all because people think we are different
The black and the white
And now because of that
I lost the one I love tonight

I collapse to my knees
Tears streaming down my face
When will people learn?
It does not matter what the race…


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Hannah

    Oh my goodness. That brought me to tears. I loved it. Wow. That was really really good. Keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by Elynnka

    I hate racism too >.

  • 19 years ago

    by Drake Takeyama

    Amy, i dont think ive ever seen a finer work of art in all my time. Your soul sings with sorrow, you capture every emotion possible. The final thing I have to say is, I'm really sorry I hurt you so much. I know I always do something stupid or wrong, or even something like this poem. I know your always afraid of me getting hurt, and I know that your worried about our future. Amy, love you so much!

  • 19 years ago

    by Heather Clark

    very meaningful, i wish people would learn race and color mean nothing!

  • 20 years ago

    by mistake

    wow such a touching story set into poem you've captured reality so well

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