It's just me

by brandy   Feb 24, 2005

You see that girl
off by herself
yeah, she has friends
but she wants space
space to think
space to check on choices
she seems lost in the moment
she chooses to be different
she finds it amusing
when people judge her
yet, at the same time she hates it
it shows how the world
is just a mere reflection
of how people starve for perfection
they can never have enough
perfect grows and grows
being popular, pretty, in style, smart, funny,
everyone's friend, good at everything,and no worries
but worries is what builds a person
if you're handed everything on a silver platter
what's the point in anything?
i choose to be different
to start a new perfect, opposite of the world's perfect


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  • 20 years ago

    by brandy

    yeah that would be the point of me writing it, i was saying that being the same is totally lame, woah that ryhmed, but innyhoo, i'm saying i'm glad i'm weird, cuz it's what i strive for , just to be myself, my own person
    and thanx for the comment and the compliment.

  • 20 years ago

    by *¤*FoolInLove*¤*

    Great Poem!! I love it! It's true people only want what's "perfect", but if everyone would be the same... that would be boring. When ever someone says that I'm weird i say thanks for the compliment! cuz I like being different lol. Anyways keep writing!