My LeTtEr To YoU

by yo yo yo   Feb 25, 2005

It started with a dear
And ended with a tear
My eyes were tearing
So what I was writing I couldn’t see so clear
It started off so plain
And ended with such strain
It said everything you needed to know
Because what I felt I could never show
All my passion and devotion were in that letter
I thought writing it would make me feel better
I wrote about things you forgot
And the lessons that you taught
Other things like how life’s been without you
And to be honest I don’t have the slightest clue
I don’t know what I'm doing anymore
Its probably because my hearts so sore
My letter for you was so heart felt
That it will for sure make your black heart melt
The letter talked about everything
Everything that I ever lived for
And just about anything that I adore
My letter to you
Would make you rethink who you are
It would make you realize
That no you’re not a shining star
My letter for you would make you feel like ripping out your heart
Because you didn’t know the kind of person that you were from the start
But really it’s too bad
That your never gonna see this letter
Because it’s going straight to the shredder
But the feelings that I wrote down
Will forever make my heart frown

you know who you are even though your not even gonna read this.. and though i stopped loving you it still hurts sometimes to realize that i wasted a year just wanted you back when you forgot i even existed...

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  • 17 years ago

    by amanda

    I love this one it kinda makes me know what i been though with my boyfriend and hopfully i have him right where too stright his life i gave him another chance and maybe he will take it well keep up the GREAT WORK cuz its good and ur other ones are too if u need anyone too talk too let me know okay im here or if u want too here is my e-mail

  • 19 years ago

    by James

    hey this was Beautiful poem but Im sorry he done that to you lov ya :) always 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by |[ThUg AnGeL 4LyF]|

    awwwww.....dis is so sad but is tru u no exactly how 2 explain it aii
    anotha good poem=)

  • 20 years ago

    by Erica Brown©

    Wow, sad.. happened exactly to me, but a little different. I know how it feels, each day you daydream different situations where you're with the person. Or you either cry yourself to sleep thinking 'what ever did I do wrong?' I like this poem. 5/5
    Take Care.

  • 20 years ago

    by Knoxy

    Hey, this is sorri he did that to deserve a lot...keep up the great work tho! take care..
    ~Luv Alwayz Knoxy