What went wrong

by Perfectlyunperfect37   Feb 25, 2005

We both took different
paths, and went different
I can't even keep track
of the days, the days
i've been crying.
It was right, seeing you
and knowing what I knew.
Your class ring is gone, a
tear forms in my eye. I knew
I had to stand strong, and not
I always thought someday
that ring would be mine,
I was just waiting for that
time. It never came, and
someday I will find out what went
wrong, we both started out
so strong. Satan broke our
bond in half, and sat back
thinking he won.
It's not over, You and me
may never be, nor will
satan ever see the pleasure
of destroying me

It's weird to think you and me use to be together, and now you dont even talk to me.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Mary

    hey thats really good hun, when did u write that? im guessing that that ones about roy to because i dont think u and k.t went out lol hmmm well ill talk to u later >:D< luv ya