The Absence of You

by Tanya, Mom of one.   Feb 25, 2005

Wondering if you can hear me,
Or can you see our pain?
Can you hear our prayers for you?
Or hear us say your name?

When I go to your resting spot,
Its strange knowing your body is there.
Just 6 foot out of reach,
Your life was just not fair.

I don't know which is hardest,
Knowing that your gone?
Or knowing that one time I was with you,
And you being dead, seems so wrong.

When I walk where we once did,
I get a strange feeling within.
It makes me realize it can all vanish,
In one little whim.

I pass by your window outside your house,
Knowing that was your room.
I remember when we were in there,
Looking out, wanting it to quit raining soon.

As I look at your house,
I see us on the steps,
Its like crossing back in time,
Remembering then, how I felt.

It seems like you should still be there,
Waiting on me to come by,
Nothing has changed there except your absence,
And I always start to cry.

Its almost as if I can feel you,
Feeling the heat off the street,
As we used to walk into town,
To get something to eat.

Every time I pass thru that town,
I'm looking for your face,
Then I realize you are gone,
And my heart starts to race.

To know you are no longer here,
I can't seem to comprehend,
In my heart I cannot accept,
Your life was put to an end.


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  • 20 years ago

    by bluehun

    that was so sad,i loved this,youve got a god given talent,id give 10/10 if i could, but 5 will be a start followed by 10 BIG GOLDEN STARS**********,KEEP THE POEMS COMMING BLUE XX