Comments : My Soul Cries For Her

  • 19 years ago

    by pinkalias

    This was an incredibly written poem, passionate and romantice (as always) and your words were incredibly powerful and diplayed emmence poetic skill along with inticing symbols and metaphors, but could you please explain to me what this piece has been based upon? I fear that I have gotten the wrong interpretation, and I would like to correct myself if I have. Nevertheless, it's an absolutly breathtaking piece, impactful with your words, and I especially admired the lines,
    "Reveling in a hierarchy of hunter cunning
    Instead of the diligent wisdom of earth,
    Evoking rigid, brutal paternitas,
    Sublimating the divine feminine"
    Excellent, excellent job.

  • 19 years ago

    by FTS Miles

    Pinkalias: quite honestly, while I'm agnostic and don't particularly believe in some sort of anthropomorphic deity, I definitely enjoy more the idea of a Goddess than a God. Personally, I don't understand why any heterosexual man would want it any other way! ;)

    All jesting aside, more so I simply feel that a balance of so-called "feminine" and "masculine" qualities, values, and strengths is far better than the patriarchalism we've been dishing out world-wide for the last few thousand years. That balance was completely disrupted long ago and is perhaps only now beginning to be rectified.

    But because of all that time spent in disharmony, I think we as humanity have been injured--even maimed--spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally. And that's what this poem is about.

    Hope that answered your question....

  • 19 years ago

    by FTS Miles

    Oh, and I suppose I should add that this is an acrostic. I keep running into that being mentioned in the title but I feel odd about such things. After all, aren't those the sort of things to be either caught or not caught by readers?

  • 19 years ago

    by Elizabeth Ann

    I could truly lose myself in this peice. I cannot say for how long I would remain so...since time is relative when you're having fun or even unaware thence becoming petty to explain....
    For indulging in words wrought from a common abstract. To run into someone who might discover "a feeling's" geometry is awe inspiring, and definitely worth my bad grammer as I write this ;).

  • 19 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    Very vivid discription , niiiiice, check out some of mine when u get the chance.

  • 19 years ago

    by Elizabeth Ann

    Neither do I know, I realized I may as well mention while I'm here...that the subject matter is not so important to understand to me, as it is to be able to come to my own conclusion.
    However, to know is just as satisfying and ripe for my own, personal imagination *smiles*.