Hell Burning Bright

by Amba   Feb 25, 2005

Glowing Golden Angel, The Radiant Shining Sun. .
watching over. .
A beautiful lost girl, shakily holding a gun. . .

She didn't want to be here, nor did she want it to end like this. . .
She lost her Hopes and Dreams, all over a kiss. . .

Looking in the mirror, she hated what she sore
What the boys in this society would call a wh***

Yet she was still beautiful, with Blond flowing hair,
Deep blue mysterious eyes, she looked with out a care

But in her head, were many vines twisting. . .
once tried talking about it, but found no one was listening. .

She felt alone in this world, cold lonely, and hate. .
God could of saved her, strange how hes always late . .

The gun slowly rises, she is only a child.
So young, so tired, so thoughtful and yet so fragile.

The tip of the gun, aims straight for the heart. .
The thing that made all these feelings start,

The trigger was pulled - a life was ended. .
Now her heart was was gone, not mended

Satan Laughing Loudly, Hell Burning Bright
Snatching up the lost angel
Love has taken another Life, just a fragile child . . . tonight.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Amba

    thank u

  • 19 years ago

    by XxXangeltearsXxX

    wow! that was a real eye opener....seriously i cant even find the words to the describe what it made me feel! please keep them cuming!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Amba

    thans sarah rizzle!!! hehe

  • 20 years ago

    by [amanda*]

    hey..!! a poem filled wif sadness n pain..i can feel it when reading it..5 4 u keep it up..!!