Second chance

by hannah morgan   Feb 25, 2005

I never thought id speak to you again,
but 3 months later i get a text,
saying we need to talk,
i cant think why,
but i ring you anyway.

you start to talk like the last 3 months never happened,
saying you still love me,
i don't understand how you can,
after all its been 3 months,
i know i don't feel how i used to.

i couldn't take it so i bit your head off,
for putting me through so much,
we had been talking for a few weeks,
before i got the feelings i used to have,
and now i don't know what to do.

i know perfectly well that you love me,
but I'm not sure i can commit to you again,
but i think about it and decide to give it ago,
you best not hurt me again,
i couldn't take it.

Ive given you a second chance,
after all everyone deserves one don't they?
screw it up and you wont ever have me again,
treat me like you did when we first got together,
and we will be fine,
i need to say i love you and deep down always have.


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  • 19 years ago

    by bluehun

    gr8 stuff,keep it cumming, xx blue xx

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ nice one, write on
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit