I was going to get you a card
But they didn't say what I felt
So I'm writing you this letter
Because I can say it better
I believed you when you promised to be there
I believed you when you said you were sorry
I believed her when she said you wanted to be my dad
My mom doesn't stand in your way
I'm sorry if I'm not what you expected
I'm sorry if I'm a disappointment
I don't know how to change
All I can be is me
Maybe someday you'll see
Maybe you'll watch me toss my cap
Maybe you'll give him my hand
Maybe I'll let go of this dream
Because you'll never really care
You're too stubborn
Too proud
Or maybe you're ashamed
I probably should've gotten the card
But I wanted it to be personal
I don't want you to cry over other people's words
I want you to cry over me, as I do over you