Scared Girl

by JoSeLiNe   Feb 25, 2005

Hey why do u cry at night
alone in your bedroom and always in fright
Scared that he'll get real mad
And hurt u real bad
So u run to school
Where people think your a fool
So u stay at your friends house
With out making a sound
When u wake up
Ur heart feels shut
When your mom and sis say don't come
It's safer there cause daddy's waiting for u to come home
When they say this
U know u can't win
Tears roll down your cheek
And you feel do weak
Just know were here
When there are things u fear
Know your friends care
Whenever u think life is unfair
Everyone look out for the scared girl
Who needs help from the world

rate and comment please true story


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  • 20 years ago

    by Monica

    That is so sad! way to write it though!

    monica xoxo

  • 20 years ago

    by JoSeLiNe

    accualy this happened to my friend
    but thanx 4 ur concern