DaRk PrInCe

by ThEpAgOn1   Feb 25, 2005

In the dark of the night,
He sits and he waits.
Hoping and wishing
For his rare beauty to appear.
You can hear him sometimes
In the dead of night
While the wind howls
and the moon shines bright.

This man that sits
Is more than a man
He has a bleeding heart
That no one could understand
In the dark of the night
He awaits his fair maiden
In the dark of the night
He walks in sorrow
With this tiny little light

It used to be a fairy tale
But now I know it's true
What used to be a happy person
Is now a man so blue
This dark prince is nothing more
Than what people seem to make of him
I am writing this just to warn you
For you may sorry for such a sad man
But you have to understand that
This man is more than a man
This man is the Dark Prince
He will walk in your dreams
And haunt you in your days
Beware of this man
For satin he prays


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  • 20 years ago

    by GoddessOfWings

    Very cool poem. I wrote one just like it a while ago, i like things like that.

  • 20 years ago

    by Ksusha

    that was awesome! Im not sure what to say but that was awesome. Check out some of my poems Im off you go check out some more of yours

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    I've commented on so many poems before and said that they were so good, that i've sort of run out of good things to say. I would use the fabulous, great job, sayings, but they are unworthy of this divine poem! It's definetely captivating!!

    I'll check out some more of your poetry eventually!!


  • 20 years ago

    by Missy_May

    wow, that was just....amazing! I haven't read a poem that good on here since i've been on! keep up the good work, i'ma check out osme more of ur poems try n check out some of mine!
    lotsa love