Tears are for weak?

by Noelle k.   Feb 26, 2005

This is a song I made up its still in the progress so bare with me...

you say crying is for the weak indeed, thats exactly what i am just a weak human-being and as little as can be.

you tell me to suck it up crying is for the weak ones . thats exactly what i am cant you tell by the scars on my left hand?

only if you knew the fire burring with in me, weakening my soul and leaving bruises with in me.

don't you see the tears this little girl crys ?the fear that lies inside?

it may be her weakness but its another persons high.

her scars maybe ugly but thats what makes her ,her. all the sleepless nights, only god knows how bad it hurts

shes living a lie and hurting deep inside ,you just sit back and watch her cry . the tears are real.......... yes I'm the weak little girl.

please feel free to vote and comment thanks.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Fighter (Ariane L.)

    very well written!!! you've got a lot of talent.

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    I don't like the way you put it together as in one big paragraph, you should try stanza form hun, it would get more reads, I'm sure....however, I do like this one better and tears are never weak, whoever says that is completly oblivious in the nicest terms possible...tears are beautiful so never be afraid to shed em! -5

    with love,

  • 20 years ago

    by Solace

    Full of emotion.. Very nice.. 5/5

    *> : PainOfOne

  • 20 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    It has the making to be a great poem if you would put it into the format of one for sure.


    P.S. Thank you for your kind comments on my poems. i always return the favor, good or bad.

  • 20 years ago

    by Bredada

    I loved your song i gave it a 5 i noe how it feels xcept da cuttin but i cant realte with the hiddden tears

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