Wanted to be loved

by Jack   Feb 26, 2005

To want,
To desire,
To need love.
When you want something of this sort, but can't seem to manage the proper technique to accompleshing these things.
But when you find someone you can't relate to, what do you do?
When they like you, but you resent them.
When they want to date you, and you can't find a good excuse to turn them down.
When you feel like your time is winding down, because your friendship is on the line.
When you have to choose, who you want to be with, for a time, of joy.


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  • 20 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    cewl poem dude, intresting too, lol. Chekc out some of my poems when u get teh chance plz.