LaSt BrEaTh

by Bredada   Feb 26, 2005

Yeah is da real deal
it gives me a chill
if only you could feel
did you not think of me?
or did you mean to be so rough
i think i've taken enough
all those lies made me think
of all our struggles
wish we wouldve cuddled
but instead i got beat down
by you da one i loved
all those bruises
all that blood
ive finally realized
the fact that youll neva change
everytime i cried for help
you would tell me aint no use in makin a sound
cuz ders noone around
i found a friend
n took my life
n yes noone was der
n for dat i took my last breath
right into the step of DEATH


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  • 20 years ago

    by Noelle k.

    this poem brings back memorys.. good poem. thanks for your vote and comment