The Crimson

by AntiSocial16   Feb 26, 2005

A beautiful shade of crimson
My blade allowed me to see
I watched the drops fall to the floor
As I cut away pieces of me

A line going this way
For the girl I used to know
The once happy child
But she was taken long ago

A groove in this direction
For the new girl I have met
She’s lonely and never talks
And it’s always a regret

A carve down this arm
For the broken family I’m in
How we never can communicate
And stop the fighting within

A slit across this wrist
For the screams inside my head
And how they never can stop
Even when I’m asleep in bed

A slice across my throat
To see the crimson blood
To release the rest of my pain
And see it form a flood

A beautiful shade of crimson
The blade allowed me to see
And as the blood fell to the floor
So did all of me

Sorry, I know it’s a little bad. Comment/vote please, I’d appreciate it. Thanks...


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  • 20 years ago

    by Alexis

    ur an amazin poet. keep writin. if u ever need to talk im here. i kno wut ur goin through. Can u comment on sum of my stuff

  • 20 years ago

    by CareBear

    This Is Great, ur a fantastic writter, I havnt read any others n i dont really hav time at the moment, im really sorry but next time i come on ill b sure to check out sum more!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by katie!

    OMG soo good, keep it up, check out mine if you get the chancexx

  • 20 years ago

    by Kailynn Makenna

    Hey this is a reallyyy good poem! i really like it! great job! check out my poems if you get a chance!


  • 20 years ago

    by AntiSocial16

    thanks to all that do comment and vote.