I'll get through this~!!~

by xxangelchicxx2000   Feb 26, 2005

I cared about you
I know that you cared about me too
Till the day she showed her face
With blond hair and a girlish hey
She made me think that she was my friend
But behind my back she stole you away
It was like end of the world for me
With no thoughts and no memories
I remember hating her
Hating her so much
That thinking of maybe killing her
That’s when I knew that I was insane
I had to admit it
I had no one else to blame
I went t a doctor
Who made me think things through
He made me realized
That I didn’t still love you
It was all over
I was free
But after all I was still hurt really deep
But I knew that
I would get through this
I didn’t need you
Or your hochi

hochi is like a really bad kind of person who goes out with every guy some one else is going out with. they just use em then dump em.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Selfrejected

    nice poem...and hochies...are really annoying....5/5

  • 20 years ago

    by Angels Above

    Your poem sounds so familiar I know a girl like that. I was friends with her for 2 years, and she tried to sleep with my fiance', and everyone elses boyfriend including the whole town. She was the same way wanted every man that was already taken. Luckly my fiance knew better, and stayed away. A year later she found out she had HIV. I don't know if you can call it bad Karma but I do. I'm not saying that she desearves to have that deadly disease but that's what happens when your not careful. Also don't let any man make you feel like you should hurt yourself or anyone else. There are so many guys out there you will find one that desearves you. Stay strong. Great poem I gave you 5***!
    Thank you for rating, and leaving comments on my poems it really does mean alot to me. Lots of love,

  • 20 years ago

    by Emma

    This is also a really good poem. The only comment that I would make is that you left out an 'o' on the following line. "I went t a doctor" This is an amazing poem. 5/5. Keep writing. Good job! Love Enna xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ excellent write
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit

  • Good job...I can definately relate to this poem. awesome, 5/5