No such thing as a last goodbye

by xAmx   Feb 26, 2005

It was to late for me to say goodbye
You were already gone
The night you died
I couldn't even cry
I thought all of this was a lie
Then three days later
You lied there in that brown coffin
I thought all this was a joke
Then I felt your face
You seemed so cold
But still
It seemed all like a joke
Then they buried you
I still thought all this was a bunch of lies
Later that night
All this finally struck me
This was no nightmare or dream
All this was true
I poured my eyes out every day and night
Three years pasted, my brother
and now I am fine
I loved you alot and you loved me back
Now as the days go by
I accepted your death
I keep my memories for us and hope one day
We'll be together again, my dear brother Andrew
So this is no last goodbye
This is hello and I'll see you soon


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  • 20 years ago

    by xAmx

    I made this for my brother who died along time ago.