When you finally realize all this
It will be too late.
I will never give you this to read
I will never force upon you my sorrow
And try to make you understand.
I will sit back and let time do its thing
Let you live your life and stop trying to force my world upon you.
I will let you not care and in return, I will also not care.
I will let you hurt me without knowing
I will let you break me without caring.
I will let this world keep on turning and your life keep on changing
While I just tag along for the ride. I will let you treat me as nothing and therefore
I will become the nothing you believe me to be.
And when it's really over
When you're done with me and my complicated world
That you don't even know about
You will walk away into a brighter sunset
As I crawl into the darkness of this depression.
I will love you forever, as I promised
But I will not speak of nor to you, as we both know it will be for the best.
We'll part ways and you'll continue with your life while my world falls apart
As you will no longer be there for it to revolve around.
This thing we created, that we built with our own hands
Has turned into something I barely recognize.
I call it love, but I do not know if you would do the same.
I let you get too close to me and you shattered me.
You never mended me and left me to mend myself.
And now I'm so scared I'll be broken again
That I'm distancing myself from you as you've done to me
And there are so many invisible miles between us
That to touch your heart would take years.
I can hold your hand, kiss your lips
But I can never embrace your soul.
You never let me in, while I let you destroy me from the inside out.
I wish you knew, and I wish I could tell you.
But inside I will write this here, where many will read it but you will not.
And you are the only one who should.
The only one who should read it
The only one who should understand
The only one who should care.