Have you ever felt the blood falling down your face,
Crying down for a reason not to understand?
The crying,
the pain,
the blood.
so sweet.
Like a cut just picked for the blood so the loneliness inside passes...
And so,
The anger will go away,
But it still in side of you for it’s building up,
Building one day come out.
The blood so red and thick,
But so soft
How can a little thing that one thing be so big?
One blood drop is so painful to somebody,
But its loved by another.
How can that thing?
The thing so sweet be so painful but so,
No one can describe the feeling ,
The feeling that over comes you.
When the blade goes in and out,
Watching that blood run down you arm.
Like a river with no ending and no start.
Hope for the pain the blood to stop,
So the torment will go.
Go away for ever never to returned to hunt you,
Crying at night for it too,
Have you ever cried for no reason.
But to think of what did happen and what is going to happen,
No one can help and they never do.
What’s the point in life if your just going to die?