
by Jackie   Feb 27, 2005

Life can be funny you know, the things you expect are noting you get
The people you know are not the people you first knew.
The places you go aren't as fun
The things you do make your life seem like an endless movie of terror That shows the same thing,9like a bad sequel that follows the same story line of the first). At least thats how mine is, I find myself doing the same thing day in and day out, although I do try to change many things about my life, Life just charges people, people change the m,meaning of life, a simple conversation to someone you don't know could change their life, caring for people you don't know makes you feel like you have a sense of caring and belonging in the world I know i do.


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  • 19 years ago

    by catherine

    it was good but more thought would have made it great keep it up.

  • 20 years ago

    by Kryss

    Please don't hurt me but i know that you can do better and i hope this inspries you to do so.