My Razor and My Broken Heart

by Unseen Exposure   Feb 27, 2005

I take my razor
And clench it tight
I don't want to do this
No, not tonight

I hear my words
But I mistake "no" for "go"
I pierce slowly
And watch blood flow

I inhale silently
And exhale with pain
Slowly I re pierce
Closer to the vein

I hold my razor
And pierce once more
It doesn't hurt
Like it has before

I smile gently
While breaking inside
How much longer
Am I going to hide?

"Don't do it again"
Just one more incision
It's my only escape
From this dead prison

I watch in horror
At what I have done
Who is this person?
What have I become?

As tears inch out
I regain feeling
I stare into my mirror
But the reflection isn't appealing

I drop my razor
It hits with a thud
As I stare at it's blades
Covered in skin and blood

The voices grow loud
Laughing and crying
What are they saying?
What are they implying?

I plug my ears tight
Shout loud and high
Don't you dare cry
Don't you dare cry!!

Everything goes blurry
I fade into the dark
All of this just because
.. The one I loved broke my heart.

- So, the ending isn't completely true. Yes, they one I loved really did break my heart, but that's not the only reason I cut, it just seemed to fit the poem. So, I'm not one of those depressed teens that hates life just because the one I love doesn't love me back. -


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  • 19 years ago

    by Elynnka

    wow, it was really good, i liked it a lot!! good job.....check out mine when you have time, thx.
    rock on!;)

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Missing Them Already*~

    This is amazing hun...purely amazing...I'm so sorry that you're in so much pain...I wish that I could take it all away....
    As always, I love you

  • 19 years ago

    by Hurtingsoul

    ive had desprate attempts to cease the cutting i do to my self too...............but any way this was a great poem your talented

  • 20 years ago

    by Christina DeWitt

    Hi. I thought that was really good..I write many poems but I don't like to publish them because their private to me...I need help and I was wondering if you would do me a favor...My dad is in jail and I dont know him to well him and my mom broke up when i was 7. If I give you some details do you think you could write me a poem for him...?? I would greatly appreciate it..It is hard for me to write poems about my hurtful memories thats why i mostly write about love and i cant seem to write one about my dad but i just want to send it to him so he knows how i feel...can you email me at or just post a comment for me and I will give you the details? I would appreciate it SO much! Thanks!

  • you know what? i don't know you and i already like you because you don't cut, just becuase you don't get your way! and just trust me, you don't need a guy to make you happy!!!