Why do I do this?

by Leslie Renee   Jul 27, 2003

I sit here and wonder.
Why do I do this?
I sit here and think,
why don't you want to love me?
I try to understand you,
and I really don't.
What did I ever do,
to deserve this?
I cry at night.
Because all I want is,
to have you in my life.
But I am not the one you want.
You never did want me.
All you want and ever wanted is the club,
and to smoke your next joint.
All I wanted to do is,
have you love me.
Now I see all my friends,
and how their fathers all love them.
And I sit there and think,
why do I do this?
Why do I sit here,
and become depressed
b/c you don't want to love me.
When I grow up,
you are going to need me,
and I will not be there for you.
I love you daddy,
and I always will.
But how come you
just couldn't have been there for me?

July 27, 2003


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  • 19 years ago

    by K

    I know how it is to grow up without a father. Im 18 now hoing on 19 and now my father wants to come into my life. I've been fine on my own, even though they say it's never to late. Sometimes it really is.