Friendship Now Broken

by ((Allison))   Feb 27, 2005

What one word would I use to describe you?
A word to describe you when I didn't know the truth.
I think that word would be awesome or great,
But know you have set my story straight.

You said you were never my friend to the end.
You said that you were just there to make me feel good.
You spread tons of lies and rumors,
All about me,
You said I would never be part of the scene.

You told people about my cutting experience.
You told people I was a total psycho.
I don't really think you have the room to be saying that,
You are those things too, can't you see?

I think you need a dose of your own
To see that you just need to hold your own
You are annoying at times that's not hard to find out
You can be desperate for boys
That will never change it lasts for forever

So now I know that you aren't the one
That I should be able to trust
Our friendship is broken
Goodbye and good luck.

**Real Life Experience...I just found out about all the rumors and lies today...**


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  • 18 years ago

    by sandra

    I really hope this wasn't about me, I remember me, you and Beth got into a HUGE fight last year around this time (ya my birthday sucked cuz of it) I don't remember doing this to you, hell idk why we even fought anymore. But I hate how after that we drifted apart. I'm sorry if this is about me. lylas great poem bye. Oh and you should start writting again, you haven't for awhile.

    (lol I'm leaving comments on your poems over a year later. I hope you acctually see this)

  • 20 years ago

    by ~DyingBlackRose~

    im sorry what your friend was doing to you the whole time you were friends with them...i know how it feels to have a friend like that..dont be upset you'll find a new friend. good job on the poem..keep it up