
by nykki   Feb 28, 2005

You are sick of this world.
Tired of everyone hating you and beating on you.
You feel so bleak and depressed.
And no one is doing anything about it.
(No oneee)
All I can do is hold you close,
and end your tears.
But thats not enough.
(Not enough for you)
You tell your parents to transfer you to another school.
But they refuse.
Now you have hit rock bottom.
What can you do but rain?
Get away from the pain.
Ditch the love.
And be free.
You tell me thats your decision.
I thought to myself, I'll go along with whatever; as long as you're happy.
But you never said anything about what I'd do.
What would I do without you?

If you're going to runaway,
take me with you.
Please, just take me.
Do not leave me behind.
I only want to be with you.

No, you can't come with me, you say.
I plead and begin to rain at such words, and collapse to the floor.
Baby, I need this time for myself. You insist.
"But I want to be there.
To hold you.
To kiss your tears away.
To keep you going; to be your stepping stool when you're feeling low.
Please, just please, take me with you..."
With tears in your eyes, you shake your head. "I'm sorry." You turn to leave.
I grab hold of your leg, crying so loud my ears bleed.
You gently take my hands, kiss them and drop them to the floor.
You walk out the door and turn back.
Your hazel-green eyes are raining.
My blues are pouring.
Lightening of anger flashes through my eyes.
I swallow back cuss words as you get in your parents' car without a license.
You pull out of the driveway.
Wave to me, you form the words, "I'll miss you. I love you." And you blow a kiss.
I just stare after in anger.
I hear a loud deafening shatter.
Only I know what that is,
my heart.
It has broken into pieces,
for you have left me.
Not caring how I felt about it or not.
Not daring to bring me along.
I lie on the floor, crying my soul out.
The broken pieces are stabbing my organs.
Every piece that bleeds, I scream a piercing yelp.
As I wait for my insides to collapse from loss of so much blood,
I scribble out a note for you.
And it says:
Dear lover,
I can't believe you have gone out and left me like that.
It broke my heart but with every broken piece, I love you
more. My insides are bleeding, collapsing to their death.
So I just wanted to say: thank you and hope you have a nice trip.
love, your girl.


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  • 20 years ago

    by yasmin

    *stares*... wow.... u know, i dont think i blinked through that whole poem. really really really awesome.