My Love

by Crystal   Feb 28, 2005

The first time we talked I was afraid.
I didn’t know what to expect.
You were so sweet and kind to me.
While we talked you made me feel so special.
Then you left and I thought I would never talk to you again.

Then one day you started talking to me again.
I was very surprised and very happy.
We talked for the longest time.
I told you everything about myself expecting you to turn and run like everyone else but you didn’t.

Before I knew it we had gotten close.
Then you told me you loved me and my heart melted.
I knew that I loved you as well but I was afraid.
You knew why I was afraid but you just kept pressing and before I knew it we had started a relationship.

You make me the happiest I’ve ever been.
I wanted to tell you this because you deserve to hear it and to ask you to stay with me forever. I love you so much.
You are my hopes, my dreams, my life,
And my love.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Crystal

    yes this poem is really about the love of my life.

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ nice write, love is always a nice feeling
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit

  • 20 years ago

    by Tammy

    That was a very beautiful poem. You should keep writing... lots of promise there!! :o)

  • 20 years ago

    by GoodMorning

    wow, this is exactly what im going through, or was, it almost made me cry lol, so keep on writin' =)