
by Leya   Feb 28, 2005

Mummy why are you yelling at me?
What did I do wrong tonight?
Mummy please stop yelling
Your giving me a big fright

Mummy why are you hitting me?
Did I do something really bad?
Mummy please stop hitting
Your making me very sad

Mummy why are you throwing me across the room?
What have I done?
Mummy please stop
Please give me another chance, just one

Mummy why are u going into the kitchen?
Are you getting a drink?
Mummy what are you doing
Please stop and think

Mummy why have u got a knife?
Why are you mad at me?
Mummy please stop
I'm closing my eyes so I cannot see

Mummy why did u stab me?
Whats wrong?
Mummy please stop it hurts
Mummy I'm not having fun

Mummy why am bleeding so much?
Am I going to die?
Mummy why are u saying sorry?
I can see a tear in your eye

Mummy why are u screaming?
What are you doing now?
Mummy why are you bleeding?
Why are you falling down?

Mummy..Mummy..are you awake?
Why are your eyes starting to close?
Mummy please wake up
Does daddy know?

Mummy why are you not breathing?
When is daddy coming home?
What is daddy going to do?
When he sees he is all alone

Daddy just walked in the door
He sees that you’ve killed us both
Daddy has a rope around his neck
I think he is starting to choke

Mummy look what you have done
Its all because you were angry
Mummy why did you do it?
Why did you take it out on me?
Mummy, you’ve ruined our family!


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  • 19 years ago

    by ♥x__Pwincess danii//

    omg that is soo good i am goign to cry that is really really sad a difinate five thansk for your comment on my poem