Bright Lights

by Kaitlin Kristina   Feb 28, 2005

Show me the sweet tenderness
Masked behind bright lights
And big cities
Cradle me in simplicity
Of nights gone by
Congregating to witness
The peace of sweet nothingness
And the allure of unknown vast ideals
That echo from silence
Into screams from my heart
Crying for understanding
And yearning for temptation
From another person
Too much like myself
To be masked by the bight lights
When I am all by my lonesome
Yet lying avidly in your embrace
Of understanding
And of sweet tenderness
Shielded from the bright lights
In the big cities
And presently by
Like the stars high above
Regardless of their glow being
By fictitious surroundings
And facades of highlighted beauty.

Show me the sweet tenderness
Masked behind bright lights
My love,
And big cities.

Thank you, let me know what you think.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Shædow Poet

    This reminds me of the song "listen to the sounds of the city", it just made me feel warm, and safe whilst reading it. I don't know if I can explain why it did, but it just... did, lol.
    Well, apart from how it effected me, I thought it was brilliantly written- the style reflected the poem's theme well. Your words were powerful and descriptive. An absolute talented write!

  • 20 years ago

    by Bret Higgins

    Eversat on your own in the dark looking out over a bed of street lamps and contemplate life and just let your mind take you where it wants?

    Thats the feeling of reminiscence I get from this. A very understanding read.


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