Not Like It Used To Be

by ~DyingBlackRose~   Feb 28, 2005

I met you over the phone
Suddenly I was talking to you every night
And we talked till one of us fell asleep
And then my friend told me he called her
She said that you told her how you felt about me
Then the thing was
You didn't know I was on the phone when she asked
You said that you loved me

I was surprised and happy
But I was caught up with someone else
That someone broke up with me the next day
And I was so happy that he did

I told you that night that I loved you too
And always had since the first time I heard your voice
You asked me out
And Is aid yes

We were both so happy
That night we talked all night
And never stopped talking
We couldn't get off the phone

But you got sleep
I got very little
But I didn't care
Because I was happy and madly in love with you

I cared for you
You're were my life
The only person that ran through my mind everyday of my life

We went through so much
We always ended up hurting each other
And then pulling through
Because we wanted to be together

We may have lied to each other
But I still wanted to be with you
You said I was cheating on you
But I never was and never could

You broke up with me
I cried
And I cried to the person that you said I was cheating on you with
But he understood and made me happy

But sadly I still loved you
And I still do a little bit
Daniel I always have and always will
Even if you never believe me again
I still love you
But not like I used to be when we were together.

*please vote and comment. it would really mean a lot to me. thanks.*


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  • 19 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Don't get me wrong poems don't have to rhyme at all, but they should flow in a poetic way at least. This just reads as a paragraph. I respect your attempts and i like what you are saying, i just think you could have formatted it better. But that's up to you.