What's Behind Our Smiles

by prettyinpink20   Mar 1, 2005

Today my best friend told me that she feels all alone
She feels like no one understands, and she feels out of place at home

She said she hides her feelings, because no one seems to care
She gets yelled at for no reason, and thinks life isn't fair

She thinks things are so hard, and that there isn't enough time
She says she's treated like she's done wrong when she hasn't committed a crime

She says that it feels like God isn't really there
And that everyone leaves her in the dust, and her feelings she can't share

She said she wants to get closer to God, but that she really doesn't know how
And how do I feel about all this? I will tell you now.

Hearing this made me freeze up inside
I don't want my friends to feel like they have to hide

It made me really sad, and I wanted to take her pain away
But then realized that I felt the exact same way

It's not fair that she has to go through this, why can't it just be me?
But I guess I can't change the way it's come to be

I want to change it for both of us; take the pain away for awhile
Is everybody hiding, behind a big fake smile?

*This is a true story. Please tell me what you think!


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  • 19 years ago

    by smiley17

    i loved it! it meant a lot to me!

  • 20 years ago

    by smiley17

    this made me cry...it is very well written