I Want You Back


This fit into effing like 6 categories again...so i just put it here...

I miss the person that i once knew,
the one where if i was down she would pull me through,
i do not know why you have changed this much,
you got your whole life ahead of you so what is the rush?

I miss the person that i once loved as a friend,
i do not want to say that this is the end,
if we just try a little harder,
then we can maybe start over.

I miss the person who always said that she cared,
all the laughter we once shared,
the pain and memories that took us through life,
the ones that helped me from turning to the knife.

I miss the person who was always there as a shoulder for me to cry on,
i do not want to think of you as gone,
i love you way too much and i tell you my friend,
no matter what happens in our lives, we will always be best friends.

I miss the person who always made me smile,
hell you even made my life worth while,
i stayed alive on this earth mainly because of you,
and now i will make sure that we make it through.

I miss all of our late night calls and sleep overs,
listen to the other ones stories and gossip and always lending a shoulder,
i know you say that you are growing into the person that you want to be,
but please don't you do this to me.

You used to be all about friends and ones that you loved,
no you are about treating those like shit and pretending to be something you are not,
so here i go, i am going to spread my wings and fly away just like a dove,
i will not keep thinking about this, it is leaving my heart to rot.

Just remember, i tried my hardest to keep you with me,
but never did you want to stand beside me and prove the fact,
so for now, i will just let you be,
i want you back.

© Jenna Elphick
February 28, 2005


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  • 20 years ago

    by krystal

    omg i no exacally what u r going threw all of my friends are turning on me just because my best friend (whom iv known sense i was 4) needs help because her dad beats her so now she lives with me and i hang out with her as much as possible bcuz her dad almost killed her but now i count her as a sister i rarely call her my friend i usally interduce her as my older sister well this is getting really long but i have 2 say 1 more thing i loved ur poem i gave i t a 5 outa 5....well bye

  • 20 years ago

    by L0KA

    Diz iz a good poem. I'm sorry u have 2 go through dis. I hope u n ur friend become friendz again. I know how u feel cuz, I'm going through da same thing. Keep up the good work. Good Luck. Peaze