Comments : I Want You Back

  • 20 years ago

    by L0KA

    Diz iz a good poem. I'm sorry u have 2 go through dis. I hope u n ur friend become friendz again. I know how u feel cuz, I'm going through da same thing. Keep up the good work. Good Luck. Peaze

  • 20 years ago

    by krystal

    omg i no exacally what u r going threw all of my friends are turning on me just because my best friend (whom iv known sense i was 4) needs help because her dad beats her so now she lives with me and i hang out with her as much as possible bcuz her dad almost killed her but now i count her as a sister i rarely call her my friend i usally interduce her as my older sister well this is getting really long but i have 2 say 1 more thing i loved ur poem i gave i t a 5 outa 5....well bye