Thank You

by Dominique   Mar 1, 2005

To those who have helped me out when i was at my worse, to those who had pain but instead put me first, to those who gave me helping hand when i needed someone to care, to those who told me that they'll always be there, I thank you

to those who were there to take my late night calls, to those who pushed me back up when i began to fall, to those who were there to comfort me when i would start to cry, to those who made me want to live again when all i wanted to do was die, I thank you

to those who made me smile when i was so sad, to those who understood in the times when i was mad, to those who never left my side even when i was hard to be around, to those who kept my secrets by not making a sound, I thank you

to those who didn't take it by offense when i would lash out, to those who calmed me down when i would scream and shout, to those who made me happy when all i had was pain, to those who made the horrible changes go back to the happy same, i thank you


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  • 19 years ago

    by Linda

    thats a great poem I think it is kind of what I am looking for you wouldn't mind if I used it....I am not going to take it as my own your name will be on it I just need something and that is like what I need but if you don't want me to use it I wont

  • 20 years ago

    by sarah k

    aww!! thats awesome!! youre so amazing!! im SO jealous!!