The blue channel

by marissa   Mar 1, 2005

The blue channel is like my life nothing seems to happen. It all just seems to stay the same. Its like a never ending story that cant be told. Its like how people see me they don't really understand. I just sit and watch the blue channel and i realize why should my life represent a channel of nothing? I need to make something happen i need to get out there so here i go! no more blue channel its over and done with i don't want people to feel sorry for me i want them to know i am here for them. See i use to need people to feel sorry for me then i realized that no one wants to be the victim of depression! and neither do i! So the blue channel is over now its just like any other. With different stories of peoples lives and music to sooth the sole. Now i am just like MTV my idol. No more blue channel


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  • 20 years ago

    by *~*Soldier Lover*~*

    this poem has a good theme, then it just kinda fades.....
    *~*Soldier Lover*~*

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