For Lorna

by hayley williams   Mar 1, 2005

You don’t have to thank me
For you helped me right back
You were there to talk to me
When my world was black

You understood my pain
For you had been there too
I found a friend for life
The day that I first met you

I didn’t have anyone to trust
No one seemed to care for me
Then I got to know you
And see how friends could be

I saw you wrote me a poem
And it bought a smile to my face
I am so glad that you are back
Cos you someone I cant replace


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  • 20 years ago

    by AI

    Remember me? Sure you do *in a sarcastic manner*. Read the poem, um... yeah I'm sure you can do much better. Yep sorry to say, this comment is of the “HATE” category. Yes indeed, very much filled with RAGE and DISAPPOINTMENT. .: ROAR:. No I’m just kidding. It was alright *cough* I’m just trying to push some buttons, been a long time since I annoyed anyone on this site. Whoa come to think about it, I really should get out more.

    Anyway, not your greatest work but also wasn't horrifically crappy. That’s all I’m going to say about that. It will be kind of pointless writing more, I think Janis added a comment delete function just before my absences.

    Keep smiling till next time,
    AI- Annoying Individual

    um lets see. YikYak is now Whocares

  • 20 years ago

    by paddy


    Hayley thank you that was a great poem,
    i hope you liked my one for you because thats ho i really feel
    i hope we can get bk on line togather sometime as we seem to be missing each other do you know when the chat on this site is bk on
    once again fab poem just like you
    take care hun
    love u loads

  • 20 years ago

    by R F

    Hello mate,

    Oh thats simple sweet way to
    express your feelings for your
    friend,i liked that ,simply deep,
    and i know what u mean : )

    Excellent 5/5


  • 20 years ago

    by Sherry Lynn

    Awwwe Hayley, this is so sweet and touching .... Keep it up girl ur truly talented and gifted in so many ways

    Love ya Babe

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