What I'd Say

by Carmen   Mar 1, 2005

"I have something to tell you today,
So please just listen to what I have to say.
This is so very hard,
Like walking on shards.
Yes, I'm afraid,
But my courage is finally made.
It'll take a little while,
But for you, I'd walk a mile.
The truth is, I love you;
Will you love me, too?
I've waited forever,
For I want you as my lover.
It was love at first sight,
Couldn't be measured by any height.
You are my one and only,
Without you, my life is lonely.
You are a flying angel with beautiful wings,
When I see you, my heart sings.
Without you, I don't think I could live,
But love is all that I can give.
Your love is a gift from heaven,
Your heart is my haven.
All I want is you,
But now I feel like a fool,
Because you have a girlfriend,
But the signal you send,
Leaves me so very clueless,
It's making me so restless.
So, I wish you were mine,
if not, that's fine.
No, wait, no, no it's not,
You'd never believe how hard I fought,
Just for your attention,
Is what I'd like to mention.
You hold the key to my heart,
And I've loved you from the very start."
Yea, that's what I'd say,
Maybe I'll get the courage to tell you someday.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Jamie

    I liked this one too its one of your better ones i think but the rhymes weren't all matching and still a little elementary but great job 5/5 for sure

  • 19 years ago

    by -Erin-

    Love the beginning and end. ^.^
    wonderful poem! </3 Erin

  • 19 years ago

    by Robert

    This was alot more to the point and a more enjoyable read but. Still alittle to fluffy for me.Maybe its my age too. Can you write something you really have to think about. Can you even make me think about the message you try to convey. Think about that next time you write.

  • 19 years ago

    by *Guerita*

    this is good i liked how u started it and ended it I know iz hard to get courage to say things at times and sometimes it takes for ever to say wut u feel

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ one word, "wow!"
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit