In The End

by ŦōüċhÌήğ ỀνĬĽ   Mar 1, 2005

There are just too many things
People expect me to do
I don’t want to pretend anymore
Be someone else just for you

Please just leave me alone
And let me be the person I want
Don’t act like you care for me
When the only thing you do is taunt

I cared about you way to much
You broke my heart, made it shatter
I loved you for who you were
But in the end..It doesn’t even matter


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  • 19 years ago

    by Victoria

    Great write it maybe short but its really powerful keep it up and thanks for all the comments!

    take care

  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    I felt such hoplessness after reading this, depression, locked in despair, revolving around hopelessness...short and subtle, but still touching and full of emotion all the same. Keep it up :o)

  • 20 years ago

    by EpithetPoet

    Very short and bitter-sweet :). Nice.

  • 20 years ago

    by confusion

    great work, very powerful. can relate to a lot of it, hope things will be okay for you, and always be yourself, its one of the nly things no one else can be :)

    keep ya head up, an the fab work, lu -x-x-x-

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    love the last stanza, i can feel all the hurt in it! If someone doesnt love you for you then they are just a facade of your dreams...don't let something so ignorant hurt you like this...i can see who you are in every poem and i love you just the way you are :)

    With love,

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