Going Unnoticed

by Eman D   Mar 2, 2005

I know your eyes are working.
But you never notice me lurking.
Why can't you notice?
I hate having to feel like this.
I try to free the pain by letting blood drip from my wrist.
All I want is your attention.
All I can do is stare.
We were the only people in detention.
Your eyes passing over me is rare.
Do you know how many poems I've written to you?
Do you even care?
I go home crying and I let my skin tear.
Why is it so hard for you to say hi?
Why is it that it seems you wouldn't care if I die?
I love you but you drive me to suicide.
Sometimes it even seems as though you hide.
Every time I pass by you, you look to the ground.
When you know I'm around, you don't make a sound.
I wave and smile but you don't respond.
What will it take for us to bond?
I really don't know what to do.

the person you never paid attention to

Don't write back, I won't be here anymore. Maybe you'll think about me now, unlike before


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  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ nice poem, very well written. don't be sad.
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit