A Psychopath's Thoughts

by Orion   Mar 2, 2005

For all you children outside my door
I have a story or two to tell
And if you small children won't listen

I broke a pencil today
Inside my padded room
I don't know how I did it
For the room is covered with sponges

There's a mouse that lives with me
Inside these padded walls
And we stay and play Parcheesi
Until his mother calls

His mother is a pretty mouse
With a very shiny tail
I keep on asking my friend to get her-
To get me out on bail

I don't know why I'm in here
-You weirdo you know why!
Oh yes those voices talk to me too
-Say, where's the cherry pie?

These voices
Who I've named Fred and Paul
Talk to me and listen
About the mouse and the ball

-You see, my sorry children
Freddy lost his head
It was in but a little accident
~Hey wait a minute, I'm not dead!

~I just like to keep quite
~From you lot chatting all day
-Well sorry Mr. Simple
We just wanted to play!

-No we didn't! Shut up!
-My god you always yap
-It's no wonder why they locked you up
-Inside this padded trap

~With Paul I must agree,
~My simple-minded body
~That when the Lord put you together
~I daresay his work was shoddy

So this means you are leaving me?
My mom told me this would come
But she never said I'd be breaking up
With people that I don't know where they came from

^It is I the mouse! And I must say
^Good Lord man keep that racket down!
^If it weren't for this padded room
^They'd hear you all over town!

-Sorry mouse, I'll keep this joker quiet
-If maybe you're mother...
^I told you Paul, you know she can't
Afford to bail out another

So here I sit little children
Awaiting my parole in here
-Or maybe we're just rotting away
~Until the end is here

(If you don't understand this, look at all the little things before some lines as different people/animals talking :-D)


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by dandy

    He he......wow, that was a real neat one! very different.....I wouldn't have ever been able to keep it all striaght. lol. Good job!


  • 20 years ago

    by sinister

    one word to describe this that i can think of would have to be 'interesting'

  • 20 years ago

    by Jaime

    Lol wow! Thats a bit confusing, but I think I got it. Its very creative, 5 from me.