We're Through

by Rachael   Mar 2, 2005

You've done so much to hurt me
that I can not forget,
like when you stabbed me in the back
and showed no sign of regret.

You do your best to bring me down
no matter what the price
but making me cry was not enough
it simply would not suffice.

You took the only man I loved
and claimed him as your own,
I lay in bed every single night
and face each day alone.

I offered you my shoulder
when you could not stand your ground
but not an ounce of gratitude
was ever to be found.

I wiped your tears
as they fell from your eyes
while all this time
you were telling me lies.

I told you all my secrets
and shared with you my dreams
you use all this against me now
to hurt me as it seems.

Your motives I'm not sure of
and can't help but wonder why
you know I always had your back
why did I even try?

I think because
I saw inside
not just the hurt
but the lonely besides.

You tell me I'm not good enough
and treat me like I'm crap
while in the emptiness of your life
you struggle to fill the gap.

I know that you're unhappy
and I wish that you could see
the power and the upper hand
you no longer have over me.

You helped me feel a pain inside
I never knew I could,
but I just can't seem to hate you
even though I probably should.

So as of this moment
we are through
and I'll try my best
to forget about you.


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  • 20 years ago

    by JJ

    Wow! what talent. great poem!