I'm Sorry

by Rachael   Mar 2, 2005

I see the distance in your eyes
as you hold me in your arms
I know you're thinking of her now
and daydreaming of her charms.

You tell me that you love me
we both know it's not true
It's just one of those silly things
that you always do.

I see the emotions
that you try to hide
but everyone knows
that eyes can't lie.

I see you when you think I don't
when you're just laying there
and of the sense of loss inside
I am definitely aware.

I wish that you could feel
the same way as I do,
the feelings I have for you
are so pure and true.

You try so hard to make me laugh
and work to try and please me,
But I am not the one you want
as only we can see.

I'm sorry I can't be her
and that you can't love me,
for in your thoughts and in your heart
she will always be.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    i know how you feel:( stay strong hun!

    God bless
    Love Heather.

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ excellent!
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit