
by Tiera   Mar 2, 2005

Player of games
so many games we've played
been hoodwinked so many times
by your deceitful ways.

Your clever like a fox,
quick like a thief.
I now promise myself
your lies I will no longer receive.

You gambled with my heart and I will now say you lost.
Before I was thinking with my mind,
but now my heart is the boss.

I will no longer let you play with me
using stupid mind games.
Because I gave you many chances
but you remained the same.
A player of games.

No longer will I let you win.
Now I have the dice.
And before I give you a second chance
I'm going to think twice.

Because I'm through with letting you win
this game I no longer want to play.
So, I quit and you can take my turn
You Player of Games.


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  • 20 years ago

    by wicked with wings

    5/5 all the way

  • 20 years ago

    by Crystal

    omg tiera i didn't kno u had it in u!! i rilly like teh part smart like a fox and quick like a theif! that was clever lol i don't think i could ever cum up w/ sumthing like that!

  • 20 years ago

    by Crystal

    omg tiera i didn't kno u had it in u!! i rilly like teh part smart like a fox and quick like a theif! that was clever lol i don't think i could ever cum up w/ sumthing like that!

  • 20 years ago

    by JJ

    good job..I like this one a lot! 5/5