
by Jaime   Mar 2, 2005

The winds are starting to blow at fast speeds
The skies are empty where the birds once flew
The storm clouds are beginning to take over
But that little ray of sunshine still pushes through

The rain has started flooding down the streets
People cowering in their houses in fear
Some small items are washed away
But that little ray of sunshine is still here

Small sheds and small trees are partially destroyed
It's too dangerous for children to go out and play
Flowers uprooted and the grass is drowned
But that little ray of sunshine never went away

The storm clouds clear although they leave a mess
People upset with what they see here
However most can not help but let out a smile
When they see that the sunshine made a rainbow appear

~It's suppose to be a metaphor, not sure if anyone will understand it.....


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  • 19 years ago

    by Daniel J


    I'm shocked at the brutality with which people commented here.

    Your poems are fine, just keep writing, don't stop.

  • 19 years ago

    by SSBAL

    u say ur not a good writer! have u read one of ur poems! ur my fav, let me tell u, plez help me out w/ mine
    luv ya

  • 19 years ago

    by Timothy

    my best impression of this poem is someone who has been with you through thick and thin and in the end it made the"rainbow" i guess it is far from the truth, however, for some reason, that is all I could keep thinking about, especially when throughout all the turmoil and devestation, there was always one ray of sunshine. If this is the case, remain in close contact with whoever inspired you to write it. If not, well, not all devestation should be considered harmful, because it allows new life to flourish. The poem is beautifully depicted and well thought-out, even an untrained eye can percieve the display of magnitude in your stanzas, regardless of the true meaning. It is really a good poem, all in all I personally favor it over some of my own. good job on this one

  • 19 years ago

    by Jaime

    just because im a blonde doesnt mean im retarded. and youre the one who called me a prep, i never said you were one.
    by the way, out of 14 poems, i have one love poem. so if youre gonna try and argue with me on MY comments page, at least get your facts straight.

  • 20 years ago

    by Jaime

    lol yes im a blonde. it shows sometimes too >.<