A new life

by Tiera   Mar 2, 2005

I sat among the congrgation
sweat puddles in my hand
what I was about to do
I didn't really understand.
But I new Iwanted to live
every moment for you
what you wanted me to do,
is what I was going to do.
Bishop called me
and I was on my way
I was really nervous
this was a big day.
I stepped in front of the church
wearing all white
I figured I'd faint, I really just might.
I stepped into the water
"the water was cold,
chilled my body, but not my soul."
I closed my eyes
and felt his hands lay
on my head
as he began to pray.
Before I knew it
he said "In Jesus name"
dipped me in the water
and I wasn't the same.
In the water
I felt something leave
and in the water
is where His spirit I received
Now I'm
living a new life
trying to follow Satan no more
My Spiritual birthday was

~There was a leap year last year, so there was a 29th. For anyone wondering~


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