Comments : Let Me Go!

  • 19 years ago

    by troubled

    hey r u online rite now??? ne wayz..great poem! like all of ur other ones!


  • 19 years ago

    by JustAFoolInLove

    ty, hailie! it really means a lot having you read my poems! it makes me feel like they're actually worth something. ty so much!

  • wow....that was really really deep...sorry you ever felt like that, i wish that i could help.

  • 19 years ago

    by JustAFoolInLove

    you do help. every day! you are my pirate, remember?!?! hehe. luv ya!

  • 18 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    ....Now i see why you're so effing PASSIONATE in everything you do. Why you feel so much, why it seems utterly effortless for you to write, to rhyme, to captivate me each and every time I read something of yours.

    I'm blown away by your every word.
    You leave me breathless without SAYING a word at all. And that's never happened before. Never.