
by Daniel Fink   Mar 3, 2005

I'm sitting in my room,
cuts deep down in my wrist,
people banging on my door,
i think there getting pist,
soon i will be as dead as a ghost
I think my death will hurt most,
no one even knows my name,
no one can even begain to know my pain,
i dont want to breathe another breath,
So now i turn to death,
This is the end but remember,
This is time to look for death,
not to breathe another breath.


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  • 20 years ago


    Once again another good poem, i can see you are on a writing spree, so dont stop.

  • 20 years ago

    by jessica

    good poem, sorry if you really feel that way, if you ever need to talk theres always someone here! well take care x0x0 jessica

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