
by Oliver Stevenson   Mar 3, 2005

So many days I have had to put a smile on my face
Just so that others around can believe I’m in peace
But really deep down inside my soul
I am burning, pouring down a black hole
An endless battle between here and there
But what is the point if no-one cares
Living a pained life of torture and misfortune

One day I know that I will be gone
Gone from the misery that is existence
Gone from the pain, torment that is from
The life of which I am full of stress


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    you're a really good poet i like your work.

    ~PLP~ lil slam~

  • 19 years ago

    by Oliver Stevenson

    thank you you guys :) all that made me smile :) it really means a lot to know that there are people who care:) thanks xx

  • 19 years ago

    by deadnalone

    oh hun thats a sad poem :( its good tho, real good. u can always talk to me bout netin, i no we avnt been talking that long but im always here,
    and never forget you have someone who loves you eternally (toni o course)
    big hug from ellie

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Aw! Oliver, we're all here for you. Hopefully, your time to be "gone" isn't for a long time. I know you may wish for it, I'm sure a lot of us do, but its not like we won't heal from things like this eventually. This poem was truly sad and I could almost feel the misery from it. Your depression radiates. I'm sorry that you may feel like this though!! I'm here if you need to talk.

    I'm sorry!



  • 20 years ago

    by Oliver Stevenson

    thank u hun :)