by amber mccain   Mar 3, 2005

The roses are dead, the violets are wilted
The lemons are sour, and so is my friend
She is gone but not forgotten, she lives
In our hearts but now the only way to see
Her face, is to look at an old picture,
Her face is fading and fading fast, I
Wish she was here to be here for me to get
Me though the good and bad times, but she
Is gone and will never come back, she
Will miss the prom and will never get
Graduate or get married or have any kids,
She will never see what the future will
Bring, she is gone and all I can do is sit
And cry, I can't believe that she is gone,
She was only sixteen, she was my best
Friend and just like that, she was gone
And I never got to say good-bye so I sit
Here and cry myself to sleep she is gone
And I will never see her again.

By Amber McCain


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  • 19 years ago

    by TrUtH hUrTs

    i love the bittersweet tone of this poem...and the flow is quite consistent good job

  • 19 years ago

    by AJ

    Hey baby!!! Thanks for signing me up today, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to get a hold of you, I wish I could see you right now!!! I LOVE YOU!!! Your poem is really great, I really do like it, I love you baby, Love, your AJ

  • 20 years ago

    by Pianist

    I'm so sorry for your loss! I hope you are ok! Vote and comment on some of my stuff if you ever get the chance.

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