Missing U

by 1st Lady J   Mar 4, 2005

I lay in my bed
silently thinking about you
wondering why you chose me
And why do u love me
Well... I chose you because
You make me happy in every way I can possibly think of and because you are not afraid to be yourself.
I love you because you inspire me to be myself No Matter What,
You are very unique in your own Little way and Most of All because you make me feel very special.
I'm missing you like crazy
I can not count on me fingers how many times a day I write or say your name.
I love you so much its playing with my emotions if you know what I mean.
I love you, baby.


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  • 20 years ago

    by 1st Lady J

    Writing poems is what i do during my spare time and it you guyz would vote for my poem it would my my day even better but don't just vote for it becuz i asked but vote for it becuz you like thanks