To You Lord...

by ~*Native*Mami*~   Mar 4, 2005

~*I'm sorry if this poem offends anyone, that is not my intention*~


No more pain, No more pain
I have nothing left to gain

All I do is hurt and cry
Wishing for the day I die

God if you’re real, why do you to this?
Do you think human life is just amusement?

Is it despair?
Do you even really care?

Do you notice my cutting lust?
The fact that I have no one to trust

Are you there or is it all a legend?
I doubt that there’s even a hell or heaven

You’re just a kid with a farm of ants
Holding us hostage with your godly trance

People dedicate their lives to their you
Never knowing that none of it is really true

You have my pitty, for you don’t know
That life is more than an entertaining show

You don’t live day to day
You have no one to whom you pray

You don’t understand what true happiness is
What it really means to live

True joy is only appreciated through the feeling of pain
Even though suffering can drive you insane

But to be insane is perfectly alright
It’s what gives me the strength I need to write

People tell me that I am blessed
But to me its how I relieve my stress

Just like now...I’m giving you the blame
And taking no faith in your name

It’s not you who helps me through
It’s those who love me that are more godly and true

They have my faith, my love, my trust
Without them, I could not be...they are a must

I hold them high, they are my lords
And they will read this and appreciate these words

~*Dedicated to those few who help me through. You are my lords and whom I give my faith and trust.*~


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tornia

    Nobody said life was easy. but life is a gift God gave us and Saten is the one who takes so many good things and tryies to ruin them for us. Don't let him. Don't let him win.God loves you and wants you and he's looking for you. Just let him in.
    " You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"
    John 8:12
    Your in my prayers

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Native*Mami*~

    Thank you everyone for your opinions...I respect you for them and for supporting them! However, I am a lady of Pagan Faith and that is what I believe! I do not worship the devil or anything satanic but my faith is very different than most...Again, thank you for your opinions, they are recognized and appreciated!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Tiera

    Do you wanna know why so many are hurting? Either because of others sins or becuse God wants you to take it to him. Why won't you? He'll wipe away the pain. Give him a try. You won't regret it. Just taste and see. I'll pray for you...
    P.S (I'm not putting your poem down)